Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Aku hanya ingin bermimpi.

dan sekali lagi bermimpi.

menumpuk mimpi diantara mimpi.

dan enggan terbangun lagi.

jika engkau hanya mampu hadir,

dalam setiap mimpi.


namun jika aku terbangun nanti,

kudapati engkau tertinggal di kedalaman mimpiku,

maka bunuhlah aku.

agar tak lagi bermimpi.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unecessary Hope



If only.

Words of hoping seems out of necessary...

It's done. all done.

But why it's so hard to release ?

or this lock has been swallowed ?


For once. still a hope across,

between maybe and one day.

A pathetic hope.


:hope these all just a dream...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dermaga Ketiga

Berlabuh pada dermaga ketiga

Seperti tampak tak berpenghuni

Tak riuh suaranya, kecuali kecipak kecil sang riak,

ingin dimanja...

tenang, nyaman dan sejuk..

  :Bersandar dan sauh pun dilepaskan.

Berbulan kedamaian didapati

Ya, inilah dermaga sejati...

Belanak kecil berenang,

Belibis putih menari-nari..

Berarak awan.. Keindahan menggumpal

 :Layar diturunkan.

Lalu surut laut,

Riak menyusut, menjelma ombak..

Menggunung tiba-tiba !!

menyapu segala..

belanak mati. belibis mati.

  :Layar patah tak sempat terkembang.

dan tenggelam.

Kendali Rasa

Kendali rasa terlepas dari tali kekangnya

tercambuk dan menjadi liar !

ringkik suara memecah pekak dada

Berderap kencang.. makin kencang !

Dan kencang !!

setelah itu sunyi.

:laras pistol masih mengepulkan asap...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Terasing dan Tersungkur

tak jenak tubuh beringsut..

mencoba mengerti makna terasing dan tersungkur

gemuruh dada membentur,

tak hanya sekali. berkali-kali.

tak hanya sekali. setiap kali.

berkali-kali wajah itu melintas,

meski terenggut cahaya.

setiap kali suara itu membisik,

meski lirih terebut angin.


makna-makna beringsut,

bukan tersungkur,

melainkan terbentur,

pada wajah dan suara..

setiap kali, berkali-kali...


lalu terasing.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Short Story From The Songs

At first I guess you're so out of reach...

But then you can fully make me as the best replacement to wipe your tears away.

And you said I'm the only hope to kiss your fear of the past.

I see it through your shimmering eyes..


As we walk in the edge of differences, many of doubts are slowly fade away.

Dusty roads ain't scary no more...

Then tomorrow at that date we get close to each other's soul.

Yours. That's what it said from us to each.. love is forever.


As the time goes by in a rocking seconds.. things are changing so fast and easily..

In the name of old bad days, I'm perfectly sure i was born to touch your feeling.

Yes, I'm bound to you and so do you..

Like you said, you haven't seen the last of me...


At the whispering steppes, walking and talking...

Your eyes and mine, are gazing each other.

No roses you're given to, only a word to let me kiss you

Yes, it's only for you... for you..


As the beautiful sun arise in the morning,

My destiny was written clearly, in my head, in my heart...

Please babe, be patience, wait for me in the place we're belong..

our soul, immersed..


At sudden, flowers in december just grow...

I don't see your heart in the place as I wish for,

Just when I thought that you're my turning page.

I'm blackout...

You've changed easily to the other eyes...


:while in my time, there's nothing I can do to make you feel my love..


Tonight I looked up the stars

and I wondered where you are,


Tonight I gazed upon the moon,

in hopes that I would see you soon...


Will you be there ?


:you're not there...



Out of Reach - Gabrielle

Only hope - Mandy Moore

Tomorrow - Europe

Yours - Blues Traveller

Love is forever - Muse

Born to touch your feeling - Scorpions

Bound to you - Christina Aguilera

You havent seen the last of me - Cher

Whispering Steppes - Chi Yu

Let me kiss you - Morrisey

Only for you -  Jay Jay Johanson

For you - John Denver

Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

Babe - Styx

Patience - GNR

Flowers in december - Mazzy Star

Turning page - Sleeping at Last

Black out - Muse

In My Time - Europe

Make You Feel My Love - Adele