Friday, June 29, 2012

"Tell Me a Story"

Tell me a story,

Tell me a story that starts with "Once upon" a time.

Tell me a story where people know right from wrong, and there is no suffering.

Tell me a story where the years never fly by, but instead they linger by slowly so we can enjoy them and take nothing for granted.

Tell me a story where there are no "Goodbyes" just "see you later".


I want the story where there is no loss and no sad endings, forget grabbing for a tissue,

I want to do no such thing.

I want the story where the hard decisions are made and everyone knows what to do.


Lying in the grass soaking up the sun rays through my skin, recharge my soul.

Watching the dandelion seeds dance through the air and the birds soar so very high.

Breathing in the warm summer air deep into my healthy lungs.


Take me there.

Give me that "fairy tale" ending.



Written by: Crystal Rose

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